XLG Network

XLG Network


If you are professional in the field it is worth entering the process to become a member in the XLG Network, because you will find immidiate response to everything you seek in the field. Direct service, quality result from the smallest to the biggest project you will request us, personal offers based on the good cooperation at regular intervals, and of course wholesale prices that will make you and your company more attractive to your retail customer.

Find out who can subscribe

In the XLG network exclusively and only those whose professional information concern our field, namely graphic arts professionals (typographers, sign writers, advertisers, graphic designers etc.) can subscribe.

What do you gain if you are member of our network?

The memebers of our network gain a series of advantages such as:

  • Access to the wholesale price list
  • Personal offers
  • Group offers
  • Uploading your files easily
  • New products
  • Find immediately the production cost of each project for your own requirements
  • Advices for better …κλείσιμο αρχείων….where applicable (large format digital printing, offset printing etc.)

Why do we offer competitive prices?

All our projects are conducted in our place since we have invested in the latest technology machines in order to raise the bar on the quality of the final result, reducing at the same time the production cost. Subscribe now in the XLG Network

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